Support us

Here at Get Well Gamers we love the streaming community and know how rewarding fundraising through live-streaming can be. No matter what platform you use or how big your community is, we welcome all streamers who want to get involved with raising money for us. Your gaming really can give kids a power up!

Find us on Twitch at


Do I need to have a certain number of viewers to fundraise through my channel?

Not at all! We appreciate all streamers, big or small, so there are no minimum requirements. Even just raising awareness of the charity within your own community goes a long way!

I’m a console streamer, can I be involved in a charity stream?

Absolutely! You might not have an overlay but if you use a tool like StreamElements or StreamLabs you can set up a charity message to appear in your chat with a link so people know where to donate.

What’s the best platform for donations?

You can use any platform but we would recommend using Tiltify. GWG are connected on there and it’s easy to set up a campaign with us as your chosen charity. All donations come straight to us so you don’t need to worry about sending the money afterwards, and you can integrate the campaign with StreamElements/StreamLabs so each donation comes up as an alert on your stream.

How do I get involved?

You can fill out our charity streaming application form to let us know you want to raise money for us, and we’ll do our best to promote your event on our social media and if you’re streaming on Twitch, we’ll host you on our own channel on the day!