Gaming Journey – ‘International Superstar Soccer Pro’ (Playstation).
May 22, 2019 8:46 am‘International Superstar Soccer Pro’ is a football simulation game from the early Playstation One era, in which you guide your selected international team to glory in a “World Cup” type tournament.

Back in the day, this was one of my favourite games and whenever I turn it back on, it brings the old memories flooding back. Though some might say the graphics don’t stand up to today’s quality, the gameplay, in my opinion, certainly does, and one can’t help but smile at the unique commentary, with “he must have lead in his boots today” being one of my favourite utterings by the in game commentators. Although this game wasn’t blessed with an official licence, prominent players of the day are easily identified to footie fans of the time.

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Written by NinjaBoy, Edited by Audrey Gillies
Categorised in: Gaming Journey
This post was written by getwellgamers
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